Ernest Hemingway clothing exists to bring you a collection of fine apparel that do justice to the man and his legacy.

The brand has a direct licensed association with the Hemingway family and they are fully aware of what we do and how we do it.

When considering how to approach the design and positioning of the brand, it is important to remember 'what made Hemingway Hemingway', to quote Lesley M. M. Blume, the author of 'Everybody Behaves Badly: The True Story Behind Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises'.  He was one of the most influential writers of his generation, indeed of any generation, a brilliant mind and an individuality that also made him an icon for the ages.

Our approach has been to imagine Mr Hemingway sitting in on our product development meetings. Having studied and researched the man and his literary output, we have tried to represent what we think he would’ve wanted. In two words, Authentic product.

We think he would want things made from the best possible materials and that a ‘proof of authenticity’ would be there for all to see. We publish the origin of all raw materials used, not just the country but the actual supplier. 

We are based in the UK and we make everything ourselves in our own workshops. The design, pattern making and cutting takes place in our central workshop in York. Then the work is bundled and handed over to one of our artisan makers who have all the necessary industrial sewing machines in their own homes or workshops. The finished work is then returned to us for inspection.

In this post Covid age, our method of production has enabled many people, especially women, to feel liberated from the factory environment, or as clothing factories in the UK become rarer, it enables them to use their fine skills instead of having to leave the trade altogether.